Vibrator, an... enjoyable historical retrospective


Vibrator, an... enjoyable historical retrospective

Was it discovered by Cleopatra, more than 2000 years ago, or in 1800 by a doctor, as part of the treatment of hysteria, because he got tired of making women orgasm with... another way?

Demonstrating a vibrator, around 1800

The - specific at least - rumors about Cleopatra, according to research by various historians are not true.
Some publications (Unusual Sex Practices, Brenda Love) reported that
used some kind of pumpkin, stuffed with bees(!) to irritate her genitals.
Zucchini with oregano, said modern scholars who know more and I will believe them.

Another rumor, closer to the truth, is that the vibrator was invented around 1800 by a doctor who was ...treating women of "hysteria". And when we say hysteria, we mean something that for centuries was considered a woman's disease and associated with the uterus (hysteria) and symptoms ranging from aggression to nymphomania!

The good doctor, rumor had it, used a new vibrating tool that made "patients" orgasm by clitoral massage...

Of course, things didn't turn out that way. Or at least not exactly like that...

The industrial revolution also put its little hand in sexual satisfaction, apparently. At the beginning of the 19th century, initially in doctor's offices and later also in the homes of "patients", the first vibrators began to circulate. Like devices that promote better circulation by massage, treatment for headache and occasionally various other ailments.

The device's "capabilities" may not have been advertised, but they weren't unknown! Many years would pass until in 1908 openly advertised as addressed to women, who are interested in health and beauty!
"Invented by a woman who knows a woman's needs" was the slogan of an entry in a periodical.

vibrator advertisment


Watch out now advertising demon:
We are in the early 1900s, no talk of self-gratification in the open, and while male eroticism could be discussed, any reference to female eroticism was the absolute taboo. Result; Ads were released promoting the vibrator as a product against... male impotence!

In the 1950s the first electric vibrators (Polar Cub) began to appear, women spoke more openly about masturbation and corresponding products began to become more popular and commercial.

Self-satisfaction, as we say liberation!

1960 - 70, sex, drugs and... magic wand. In New York, there were some very famous female masturbation seminars and Betty Dodson, famous sex educator, highlighted the Hitachi Magic Wand, which became the most famous vibrator of the time!

In the 90's Japan's technology managed to reach another level, but the legislation was somewhat harsh with such objects and they were forced to disguise them in colorful animals, such as turtle, kangaroo etc. Of course, the Rabbit.

Today, only at Ola4U you will find 100s of different vibrators. And you order them on the spot, without a prescription!


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